jeudi 5 mars 2009


It is March 2009. These days the idea of a personal site is passe, a "Web 1.0" phenomenon. Instead, the use of social sites and blogs to share "personal perspectives" is in fashion. Only a few years ago most people seemed to agree that the sharing of such personal details lacked decorum, it was an uncool/nerdy activity, or was something fit only for kids. Some people --I am honestly proud of them-- still hold some of those views and never touched the stuff. Most others, eventually have converted and poured over their personal life in real time over twitter, facebook, doppler, friendfeed, etc.

Like many,I've become increasingly disenchanted with the quality of information on the so called Web 2.0 and I'm cured from the illusion that anyone cares whether I'm brushing my teeth at the moment, So why then a personal blog?

Well,three simple reasons:

1. Although not terribly interested in link sharing etc, I am interested in producing from time to time small digital tools and toys that people might find useful or interesting,and I don't want to pay for hosting or devote time to maintaining a server for them.

2. I'm interested in maintaining a searchable log of articles and other public and semi-private information I push to the web. These things may have nothing in common other than they are produced by me. Imposing a theme seems an unnecessary promise useful for nothing other than increasing the stress to make posts frequent/fit the theme.

3. As a final reason, I confess my Vanity may insist on telling me an occasional rant *needs* to be shared, and although I consider it a gentleman's duty to resist her, I reserve the right to indulge.

Fabio Arciniegas A. - Taipei, Taiwan March 2009