mardi 14 avril 2009

[3] Drinking, Existensialism, and Magic

As a result of my decision to stop drinking alcohol permanently, plus my insistence on referring to the process by the completely exotic term of "a magic ritual," I've recently engaged in a higher than usual number of conversations regarding religion, existentialism, and ritual.

Being pulled, or pushing people into metaphysical conversations is usual fare for new sober people given both their vanity and the fact that society, particularly in America, expects sobriety decisions to be accompanied by a surge of faith and demands Pathos. I intend to convert no one nor tell any rebirth stories here, but only to leave record of some of the books that explain an unusual position. This way a few friends who have found my summary intriguing can explore further.

A more direct explanation of the relation is pending, but here's a selection of writings related to the three key ideas: the absurd, hopeless joy, and Ritual or Magic defined not as stage tricks --which I love, incidentally-- but as human will given focus by method.

- The Myth of Sisyphus, Albert Camus
-Toward a Fateful Serenity, Jacques Barzun
- History of Eternity, Jorge Luis Borges

Fabio Arciniegas A. - San Diego, CA April 2009

2 commentaires:

  1. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    esta superficial calentura, imposible saber en qué lugar empieza, pero llega, quizá muy tarde como una estrella interna, -desde el punto de vista del centro inencontrable-, hasta la yema de los dedos como en series de alfilerazos-transmisiones de una acupuntura metalúrgica y terrible.
    un sentimiento plisado en las múltiples bandas de un pensamiento incorrecto. el instante una esfera dentada en relación con los objetos más diversos. ora giraba y me parecía ver el campo enmarcado por una ventana, pero luego, casi al tiempo, una fuerza contraria que era como una versión diferente del mismo pensamiento me hacía ver un millón de cabezas en los pliegues eternos de las sensaciones perfectas. AAA

  2. Ah... el mas digno. Hasta ahora leo la jolla. 3 lunas para la reunion de Mr. Tyler y Schaffer el dedos!
